Organisation - and name registration

marym@Finesse.COM ((marym@Finesse.COM))
Tue, 2 Jan 1996 15:21:18 -0800

Nick proposed the following roles:

<i>> setting of top-level strategy</i>
<i>> internal account management</i>
<i>> site editor</i>
<i>> internal consultancy</i>
<i>> internal education</i>
<i>> online and traditional PR</i>
<i>> technology awareness</i>

I will be honest here and say that I hail from the technical world
and my business background is less than complete. This may be the
reason that I don't really understand many of these roles as listed
here. Below is my list:

Web/Internet technical support staff including: Internet/Web Administrator,
Programmers, Scripters and a Log research role (ie someone who
collects the logs generates statistics and does help with specific
research questions relating to the logs) There is probably also someone
who holds the Web Architect title. This person researches new
technology and trains others in the use and capabilties of the
new technology.

Web Content Development staff: These include Product/Service Subject
Matter Experts (usually marketing staff), HTML conversion/authoring
staff, graphics and other media creation staff, Cognitive Science/Interface
Design staff and an editor/publisher that ensures that style guidelines
are adhered to, intellectual property issues are dealt with and
assignments for new content get dealt out in conjunction with offline
marketing activities so that everything is timed the same.

Internet Relations staff: These are people that do the "active" side
of Internet Marketing. These people register the site with search
engines, attempt to get it in the cool sites areas, and participate
in related newsgroups and email lists to give the impression of
a professionalism and increased awareness to the Internet community.
These people are also responsible for bringing back feedback and
new ideas that customers/Internet users have suggested, and
responding in a timely manner to non-technical webmaster questions.

This is my ideal way of suggesting this. In reality, I haven't seen
a single formal structure put in place until any company has been
on the Internet for over 1-1.5 years. Until then all activity is usually
ad hoc.

Speaking "unoffically" for one of my previous experiences, the department
that is willing to take the risk is the one that usually foots the
bills initially. When structure does finally take over, it is the
executive management staff that reviews a business proposal for
staffing an Internet Presence. There is ususally significant in-fighting
as to who gets to be the executive management staff representative
in charge of the Internet Presence. The EMS usually staffs the
area far beneath what is needed to get the job done, so most positions
are people that contribute 2 hours here, 5 hours there to a specific

During Sun's adhoc days, there was a Web Team meeting that met once a
week. Anyone was invited to attend. - Any employee or contract employee
was free to attend. The people that were interested in the web did the
work in addition to their regular jobs and they served as evangelists
to the rest of the company. The formal marketing structure was not adequatly
represented in these meetings. The executive and high level management
staff was not adequatly represented in these meetings. And yet Sun tied
together several operating companies with diverse business goals into a
single website that now has more than 10,000 documents on it.

The current structure has content providers who supply the actual
content. These people usually have a regular job and rarely work on the
web full time. Gatekeepers who function as evangelist/advocates to the
business internally, champion adequate and appropriate business use and
the resources to do this, and do editorial placement control for their
areas. There is a heirarchy of gatekeepers (ie one top level gatekeeper
per operating company and sub-gatekeepers under them depending on the
content needs of that opco.) Then there is a publisher and a webmaster
that function as the supreme content and technical contacts. This
should be written up somewhere on Sun's website.

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