Re: Caching proxies are net f...
Wed, 8 Feb 1995 14:30:46 -0800

ok, I am new to the Internet gateways and procedures, but regarding
discussions re: prodigy aol compuserve etc. users... this is a birth of
sorts, and I believe that at least at this point in time, with the big push
to the general public to "hop onto the information highway", it's premature
to guess-timate "real" users... statistically, a BOOM usually levels out to
the select "real" after considerable time, and this is a boom in a mind
boggingly big sense. Statistics garnered (IF you could get them) would
probably not be indicative of future trends... too many 1st timers, the olde
"I went, I saw, I left" hits to the various Internet souces. This factor
alone would skew any statistics for planning. It's just too early, I believe,
to truly "capture" indicative numbers. I think we are going to have to wait
for quite a while before the Internet is stabilized as a generally understood
media from which to gather meaningful data. just my humble opionion.